Mr Brian Abel

Total collected to date: £410.71

Charity details

West Midlands Ambulance Service

Service details

Cremation Service

04 February, 2025 10:00

Bradwell Crematorium

Chatterley Close , Newcastle-under-Lyme , ST5 8LE

Messages of condolence

Thinking of you Cheryl and family. May Brian's soul RIP.From Yolanda x

Mrs Yolanda Barley

Our deepest condolences to the whole family.

Mr Rupert Adcock

In memory of a dearly loved and very special friend.


Rest In Peace Bri

Thank you for being there for us and being so kind

God Bless! Lovely our mate

Cash Donation

In memory of Brian Abel

Darryl, Carol & family

Rest In Peace 

Sweet Dreams Brian

Barbara & family

In memory of Brian Abel

Service Collection